My “best friend” didn’t tell me she...


Okay so quick back story, this girl has been my best friend since high school. We’re 25 now. Recently she’s been going through a lot, her and her daughter’s father broke up (they were together for 6 years). I’ve reached out to her several times, not prying for info or anything but just reminding her that I’m here if she needs to talk or needs anything at all. She doesn’t really tell me the truth about much these days, which is fine and quite honestly not my business...if she wants to share something with me she will. But I was a little surprised that she began posting all over social media that she’s dating this girl (she’s never been into girls before that I know of). A lot of my friends are gay, so I don’t care about that but I’m a little hurt she didn’t at least tell me she was dating someone new in general, I thought we were much closer than that. She doesn’t talk to me anymore. It seems that she completely avoids me honestly. How do I handle this? Should I just let it play out? I just hate to lose a friend that I’ve had for so long but I feel like I’m putting forth effort and getting nothing in return...