

Saturday I started spotting and it looked like this, then it stopped and had sex with my bf, then after that Sunday I woke up and I was bleeding, the hospital did my HCG levels and as well as a ultrasound which irritated my cervix even more. Everything looked fine, they told me I should be ok, and said it was a threatened miscarriage but I shouldn’t worry because my levels looked good and the heart rate was great. But Sunday at 9:30 I passed this and I got my HCG levels done and then they dropped to 74, and so did a piece of my heart this AM. Would anybody be be able to help me out through this and I felt so bad because my midwife told me it didn’t look like a miscarriage but it was, how far along did I look? And can anybody tell me about the spotting and lightness. I’m at a loss of words.