Advice Please!!!! I am Begging!!!


I will make this short. I have a 9 year old daughter from my SOs previous marriage. Mom lost custody to CPS for lying and running from the system, making and using meth while the kids were in the home. Having no food for the children, Having crack, coke, pain meds, and xanax in her system with meth. She was coming to supervised visits higha nd unable to walk. Smoking crack right before cps court. Knowing they would test her after. She tried making false claims about us. She dosappeared for damn near a year. I know my child is mad for how her mother behaved. I know because my mother did the same thing. I went to the system and abuse became the norm. So I reached out for therapy already no help. I had suggestions from cps. I had talked to the school who said it wasn't their problem. I have talked to family who blamed me. So daughter lies about anything and everything. Even abuse from me. Her dad knows. She won't do the 2 chores she has. She is disrespectful. She has had an issue with stealing as well. What can I do? I have had tlks. I have shown her what happens when you live that life. She almost burnt down an apartment complex and slept with a fire under her bed. We had an officer talk with her. CPS talked and ran out of suggestions. She doesn't care. I even had her write an angry letter to her mom. She is the worst for me. And I have tried every technique. I love her but I am pregnant wwith my and Sos 5th child. My 3rd. Already had a couple threatened miscarriages due to stress. Any advice please? No criticism I just don't want my daughter to lead that life. This has been 3 years now od this issue. Dad won't step up and be the bad guy so its on me.