Newborn won't sleep at night


3 weeks old, sleeps in her bassinet just fine all day, but at night refuses to sleep anywhere unless being held. Have tried co sleeping and it doesn't work. She'll just cry till you sit up holding her. I'm unable to fall asleep sitting up(even if I could, she could roll out my arms)and I'm getting physically sick without sleep. I have my 2 year old to take care of during the day (as a baby, he always slept between feeds at night) so sleeping during the day isn't an option. Husband works all day and no one else to help at all. Bless his soul, he's been up with her at night but he has to work and it's not fair to him. I feel like he's getting sick too. We take shifts but it's taking it's toll. Anyone been through this and have any methods that helped their LO sleep at night??😫😭