My husband left and I’m 15 weeks 😢


So I’ve been married since September 18, 2018. I met him 10 years ago and we’ve been off and on. We lost connection for about a year, but he came back into my life begging me to marry him. So we eloped. Since I’ve been married my husband has become very emotional and verbally abusive. He always blamed it on his “bi-polar” and asked me to be patient with him as he works on his attitude and cruel words towards me. We have a past so he always tried to go for low blows. At first I would just shut down and not say anything when he would start with his hurtful words. Then we got in it first physical fight. We talked things got better. The bad again. A few months later he called me a rat as he looked me up and down in disgust trying to hurt me. So I flipped out and slapped him in the face. Things got better. Then bad again smh out of 10 months we’ve got into 4 physical fights. (3 times I started the hitting from him hovering over me) so after our last fight things were ok at first then he switched up on me saying he didn’t want to be together anymore. Things got weird and super awkward to where we stopped having sex. So knowing him for so long I knew something was up, so I asked him and he denied. So I did some investigative work and found out he has been talking to multiple girls bashing me. So I packed his stuff and y’all him to leave. He laughed at me and left. I didn’t talk to him for 11 days and finally when I did he was a complete ass and told me to get an abortion 😳 we TRIED for this baby for 7 months smh and now he saying he’s not going to have anything to do with our baby. Since then I’ve been extremely depressed and have horrible anxiety. I need help but I don’t know where to go or what to do. At this point I’m putting my baby at risk by not eating or sleeping and constantly crying. I don’t know what to do 😢