Just venting


My husband and I have been together since 2012, but married since 2017. Over that time, I have caught him 3 emotional affairs. He has apologized and was forgiven but I was still leery. So recently I found out he's been playing the game with some girl online. So I just need to know why does he always need to seek out female friends? And if we had problems in the past, why make me feel uncomfortable again. Anyway I confronted him about it, and he blew up yesterday with the cussing and name calling. Then he muffed me, took my phone because I told him I wanted to leave. Then I tried to walk down the hall and he attempted to grab my bluetooth off my neck and put two big scratches on my neck and said he didn't mean to do that but still wouldn't let me leave. He called his mom and she told him to give me my phone and he was talking to his dad, and I called the police. He left and and his father says he will turn himself in tomorrow. I don't know what to do anymore but I do know no one is going to bully me and talk down to me like he did Who talks to their wife like that???