He deserves a shout out


We just celebrated our 10 year anniversary on Sunday. We've been together almost 13 years and I still get giddy to see him after work. We're both pretty private people so we don't post much about our personal lives for the world to see, but he really deserves some recognition for how great of a man he is.

He's my biggest fan and constant supporter, never trying to control anything I do or say. He's taught me so much about what it is to be in a relationship, how to respect people, what love really is, how to forgive, and how to allow myself to be less isolated and trust people. I'm a better person for knowing him and the fact that he's my husband is still mind blowing.

It's not a perfect relationship, no one's is. But the "faults" I sometimes get hung up on in some areas are strengths in other areas.

I've had my fair share of bad/abusive relationships with men. It's been a long road of building my confidence and trust, but this guy has taken the brunt of it all and stayed the course, making sure I'm loved even when I feel like I can't accept it.

I try hard everyday to deserve him.