Baby not growing/measuring the same for weeks. Experiences Needed.

Update at bottom : Okay, so this is really the first time I've talked about this to anyone other than family/close friends. I've been pretty closed off from everyone since my mom died 3 weeks ago. So, on July 12th, my baby girl was measuring about right on at 32cm (almost 33 weeks at that point). A few days later, on the 17th, my mom went to be with the lord. As expected, it has been very difficult for me. But i did try to keep my eating habits up for the baby. Nearly 3 weeks later (give or take 2-3 days), I went for another apt. The doctor said "hm has your baby been measuring small your whole pregnancy?" so of course I said no, what are you talking about. He said she was only measuring at 32cm (about 36 weeks at the time). Since I didn't know the doctor and hadnt seen him before, I asked for a different, known doctor to remeasure. She did and she said he was right, baby was measuring 32/33cm. Let me remind you that this whole pregnancy, she has been measuring right on or a bit ahead. She decided to schedule me in for a growth scan, which is actually tomorrow. She seems to have stopped growing significantly the week that my mom passed away. *for those wondering, my weight gain had also slacked off to just a little over a pound in 3 weeks* I would be lying if I said that I'm not worried. I'm a first time mom and I've had one hell of a month. I'm worried about what will happen if she still hasnt progressed much at the growth scan tomorrow. I've been told by my aunt, who is a cna, that they may do an amnio or other tests to rule out problems. I've also heard that if she still isn't growing that they may consider induction. Has anyone been through anything like this? What happened in your case? As much as I would like kind words of reassurance, I would prefer truthful answers even if hard to swallow. Any input or similar experiences would be so helpful. Please no rude words. UPDATE : So, as I expected, she has not made significant progess in her growth. still measuring at 32/33cm. I had a growth scan which showed her measuring 3 weeks behind where she should be still. The doc ordered additional tests in which she would be scored from 0-2 in 4 categories. She scored an 8 which is the best score possible. So that ruled out any major problems, such as blood flow/placenta issues. The doctor said se is in the 5th percentile, which is considered abnormal. 10th or above is ideal. She agrees that my mom dying was most likely the cause of the stunted growth. She is seeing me twice a week now (starting monday and thirsday) for fetal monitoring and another scan. She wants to induce me between 38 and 39 weeks. Ill be right at 38 weeks on Thursday and that is when the date will be set. So far, no additional problems, just abnormally small.