Social anxiety


So Monday we started school and over the summer I told my mom that I had anxiety but she sometimes uses that as excuses as to why I need to get out the house and i wish I never even told her. But it did get a lot better over the summer but when school started it instantly came back. And I can’t fight it. We also got a new principal and new rules shes very strict, and I’m so stressed rn. And a while back I made some mistakes with a boy and he screen shotted the messages and he showed a lot of people, so now people are calling me names but they don’t know what I go through! Every day it’s a battle to get out of bed and get the day started, I also recently broke up with my bf Sunday and it just added to the stress, our relationship got toxic and I had to end it but I’m so tiered of people and their egos these days. Like I get you need self confidence but calling me out infront of class and calling me names, laughing at me everyday its unnecessary! I’m really thinking about getting onto meds for anxiety, but idk anything about them, I need some one to talk to please message me if you wanna talk or help me.