Weight Loss


I am 14 years old (the one on the right is currently.) (the one on the left was last year.) I am starting to get more toned.. I been going and taking my dogs on walks on the daily.. and he pulls me everywhere he is like 80LB he is a pit mix. Anyways my period has become irregular.. I may have lost only 2 pounds but it’s progress. But I don’t want to change my diet because I love food, and also I am a very picky eater. I am trying to lose weight for myself to feel more confident and be able to not feel like the fat girl. I am currently 196lb. I used to be 199lb. But that was over 10 months. I want to lose more weight also if I lose more than my mom I can get my septum piercing I always have wanted...Any advice? Remember: I am only 14, and also that I don’t want to change my diet because it’s already healthy.