My mom wants me to return to my emotionaly abusive ex


I’m in the process of divorce, I have a child with this man. We were together for four years. His anger and verbal abuse escalated worse everyday. Our relationship was great when it was great but terrible when it had its down. He’s put his hands on my twice our whole relationship, never punching or anything extremely serious just being pushed on the floor or grabbed my arm really hard to leave bruises. It was more the verbal or the threats that he would beat me up. My mom recently said that he looks like he’s changed(it’s been five months since we split) he claims he’s gone to therapy, which idk if it’s true. I’m really upset with my mother that she would even think that I should go back with this back solely because I have a child with him. She basically told me I probably gave him a reason for him to treat me the way he did. Is she right, should I give this man a second chance because I have a kid with him? Idk what else to tell my mother. My dad and everyone else in my family doesn’t want me to go back with him.