Stressing over awful inlaws

So before I really get into it I'd like to say that my husband and I have a plan to move out in the next two months bc we had to save money and we should have enough then. We aren't leaving the property bc his dad gave him a quarter acre so we wouldn't leave.. though I want to go far far away.. I had to add that in bc people will tell me to get out now or leave my husband or something but trust me I would have left this place if my husband would go with me but he wouldn't. I love my husband and want to respect his wishes but he will never understand the stress I've dealt with bc of his family.. I could go on about all of them but it's his mom that's the issue. She is rude, conniving, manipulative, and lies constantly. I once burnt some cinnamon rolls I bought bc I was cleaning her dirty dishes and ever since then anytime she bakes something she will hold that one thing against me and tell everyone in the house "they taste good bc I made them, not someone else" she walks in our room randomly to simply just act like she has control and of course I can't say anything bc it is their house but the lack of respect that woman has for me and my marriage is outrageous. She will make sure to say and do things that she knows will make me upset just to spite me she will feed my animals thing that could hurt them and she will give me attitude if I don't clean things she doesn't want to clean even though I keep my own spaces clean and I also work a hard job unlike her who is always home. I have never once been rude to her even when she is being extremely obnoxious. I haven't even been married for 2 years and we have already had some serious issues, my husband and I try so hard but it's like we constantly argue bc the awful energy in this house! Someone tell me that they can relate and some advice so I don't do something stupid like go off on this woman. Any advice is appreciated, thank you.