After a scary birth he is here!!

Ioana • mom of Eduard 💙 due 30th July born 10th August 😬

Well,my labour started like this.. 41+4 8.08.2018- induction

09.08.2018(6pm)-only 1 cm dilated and went for my water to break,after half an hour,oxytocin on,8 pm contractions started really bad,until 10 pm I used only 1 h gas and air ,after that I asked for epidural at 10 pm,the contractions were really painful at 4 am when I was only 4 cm dilated,at 5 am I was fully dilated.. for almost 2 h I pushed but my baby was big and they needed to use forceps..but they pulled the baby like you pull something really hard from the ground.. it was traumatic for us.. finally at 6:48 10.08.2018 he was born! I left with a trauma and a 3rd degree tear healing well already.. I am over the moon with this little chunk! Eduard Andrei ♥️!