Strange Feeling on leftside


I'm currently pregnant with Baby #2 after having a c-section in 2013. All medical professionals and ultrasounds since have stated that my uterus looks good and that scarring healed well.

However, ever since my delivery, I have always had a dull pain on my left side that sometimes gets irritated with exercise or simply just moving the wrong way. After having my son, I was told that one side tends to ache more than the other in the weeks after delivery, but while mine has subsided, it never really truly went away. I'm told it could be scar adhesions and or endometriosis, but I never had the surgery to definitively diagnose that for sure.

Early on this pregnancy, I remember one time laying on my side and sneezing abruptly, it shot a wave of pain and little cramping down my left side on the spot I mentioned. Anyone else experience anything similar to this? Is it just scar tissue after all? Should I be concerned about laboring for a vbac? (It was a little sore the day after I went to exercise class as well a few days ago.). The best way I can describe it is kinda like a cramp you get in your rib when you're not properly hydrated and running or something; only this is located down near my pelvic bone and hip bone on my left side.