
Claire • Married 💍 Mommy to 🌈 👧🏼 Madeline Jane 5.25.19 | Baby boy 💙 coming August 2021!! | 👼🏼 Ectopic pregnancy survivor

I'm feeling angry today. I've been doing really well the last month but today, I'm just pissed. I had my R fallopian tube removed after it ruptured at 7 weeks on 6/30 and I've been anxiously awaiting AF to come so that we can try again. Yesterday I had some spotting and got excited that AF would for sure arrive by the end of the day but nothing came. She's decided to take her sweet time. It makes me angry because here I am waiting for my period to come when I should be 15 weeks pregnant. We got pregnant on the very first try and it turned out ectopic with no explanation and I don't understand to this day why my body failed. My surgeon said sometimes these things just happen.. But why did it happen to me? If there was no reason or no sign of anything wrong? My spotting is also brown spotting... The same spotting I started to have at 5 weeks that the midwife assured me was okay and that bright red is when I should be worried... Obviously that's not always the case. I'm just feeling angry today that this even happened and that I'm waiting for my period to start when I should be sharing a cute pregnancy announcement and watching my baby and bump grow.. It's just one of those days.

Sending prayers and love to all of you who are struggling today like I am. ❤️