

I am eight months post loss of pregnancy due to an ectopic.

I still can't stand to see mother's with their babies or hear them cry because all I want to do is cry.

I feel like I am never going to get better and that my fiancé will never truly recover either.

I am angry, I am sad, I am broken, I am hurt.

This photo was taken the day after we found out I was pregnant, at Thanksgiving. We were so happy

Then December 8th came along after I got the courage to surprise my father. The day before we were going to go look at our first possible house and tell my father he was going to be a grandfather, I went for my ultrasound and was immediately brought to the hospital for an emergency surgery.

I still remember the look on my fiance's face and the loss I felt that day. It is like a giant hole that will never be filled.