I’m just so confused please help me out


One day I was at my boyfriends house (now ex boyfriend) and we were laying on the couch together and he started getting really handsy to me. He kept touching me (my boobs, my upper thighs ect..) I kept telling him to stop but he wouldn’t. He kept telling me it’s fine and he got on top of me holding me down. I kept telling him to get off me but he wouldn’t, as he continued to touch me. He then asked me if I wanted to have sex and I told him no, because I didn’t feel like I was ready for it only being 14 almost 15 at the time and still happily a virgin (he was freshly 15) He kept asking me pressuring me into saying yes. And he kept telling me that if I truly loved him I’d have sex with him. I tried kicking him off me and kept telling him no. Eventually I gave up and said fine because it was to the point that he was hurting me and I knew if I didn’t say fine he was going to make me have sex with him anyways because he was so much bigger and stronger than me. Ladies I’m so confused on what this would be called. My now boyfriend and I think it would be rape. But my best friend said it isn’t rape because I told him fine which she considered consent. I just want to hear your opinions on what it is. I haven’t told anyone but my now boyfriend and best friend about this. I would tell my parents but I’m not 100% comfortable to tell them yet but I will eventually.