Never enough food

So I know this is petty and not nearly as big a deal as some issues on here, but I finally figured out why there’s never enough food whenever we have a gathering at my in laws

MIL makes the food and hubbys sister and I are assigned something to bring. Ok fine, I’ll make something and hopefully remember it while I’m wrangling two kids and a clueless husband to get there (an hour drive, SIL has 2 hour drive). It’s always at noon, that’s when the “big meal” is and then the food just sits out for people to nibble on the rest of the day and is the evening meal too. I’ve always notices that at the event meal there isn’t enough for everyone to actually have a decent meal (8 adults and 4 kids), and sometimes it runs out at the noon meal. I just assumed my MIL didn’t calculate how much she’d need.

She did figure up how much she’d need assuming each person has 1-2 servings. However, I noticed that my FIL, BIL, husband and sister’s husband will hit the line first and take double servings right off the bat. Often, while SIL and I are feeding our smaller kids, they might go back for more before we’ve even gotten any.

It’s just frustrating. Last time we ordered pizza bc MIL didn’t want to cook and I was getting my youngest down for a nap and all that was left was 2 slices which was fine but then nothing for evening meal. Like there was no discussion about it at all. MIL was resting on the couch, FIL was out on the farm and BIL was helping. I quietly asked hubby what the plan for food was (since we have kids to feed, although I usually bring something for the youngest bc she’s really picky) and he just shrugged. I told him we were leaving NOW so we could get something on the way home. He complained about not getting time to visit, but the people who were there were just sitting around in the very limited seating watching tv.

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Posted at
Girl. You need to teach your man some manners! If he, or anyone else, is going back for seconds before everyone is served that is nothing more than being selfish. I don’t think this is necessarily on your MIL for not having enough food, but for not teaching the people in her family to have common courtesy. Every time I have had to take care of the kids when at a buffet type gathering, I make the kids plates, my husband will make one for me and himself and I’ll get to it when I can. I’d be having some words with him before anyone else for being selfish. Especially when he was pissed about leaving to feed his children! Oh heck no.


Angela • Aug 21, 2018
He literally doesn’t see the issue. Once when there was literally just sides dishes left for the evening meal so I didn’t eat (at his sisters when I was expecting our first) I didn’t get to eat and kept asking him to stop on the way home (3 hour drive) and he didn’t because HE got enough to eat and never looked at what was left for anyone else. That are all that way


Posted at
Omg it’s better to have too much food than not enough! You want everyone to feel like they can get as much food as they want, esp if you guys are planning on pulling the food out again to have later that night! And everyone could take leftovers home anyway, right?We always have leftovers at my families parties, most of us def over supply food than under, except one of my aunts! She always barely brings a serving of anything! And if we have a party at their house, it’s kind of an unsaid rule between some of us that you need to get food fast (or if someone is arriving late like bc they’re at work, their spouse needs to get them a plate saved when they arrive late, otherwise there will be no food!) so it’s the worst when it’s at their house and they’re supplying the meat, bc not everyone will get a portion!Some of my cousins will take like 10 deviled eggs or something and we are like uh hello lol that’s way too many to take esp considering there isn’t that much food here to begin with?! I find it SO rude when ppl just take whatever amount of food they want when thats obviously way more than anyone else could get! I’ve noticed certain family members tend to be the same ones to take way too much of something, like they’re all from the same house, so they grew up not being told that’s rude or something. So I think some ppl just grew up not thinking anything of it somehow. It’s common sense to me so I don’t understand how some ppl find that ok lolI’m sure that’s just how your husbands family grew up, but I’d be so annoyed still lol. I guess next time just try and get your kids food right away then go back and grab your serving right after that, or maybe husband can get kids food plated and then come back to get his to see what it’s like having to eat last lol


Posted at
Omg that sounds awful. Your husband needs to put his foot down (sorry!)My MIL is the same way. Whenever we go to her house for the holidays there is never enough food. My husbands whole side of the family is bizarre when it comes to food. His mother stares at everyone else while their eating while she eats off her dinky plate. My SIL has an eating disorder and my other SIL and FIL do nothing but fat shame at the table. It’s so annoying. My recommendation would be for your husbands to have a conversation with them about this. If not then I think I would honestly bring meals for your kids and keep them in the fridge. Sorry you even have to deal with this!


Angela • Sep 2, 2018
He sees nothing wrong with the situation even though on more than one occasion there hasn’t been enough for supper for either of us. I’ve just started bringing food for my girls and myself. I don’t have an issue with large appetites, but it just comes down to basic manners.