Sucking The D

Dee Dee • Criss Cross Applesauce!

So becsuse of my guy's job, my sex life has come down to me and baby getting it about once a month and sometimes we'd go 2 months before I'm touched (we don't live together).

I never go full throttle when giving head but he thinks I'm amazing ftom his standpoint. A couple of nights ago, i was feeling myself and decided full Monte this time. Baby when I tell you, I slurped and sucked, I gawk gawked and gargled, introduced my actual esophagus to him, and no hands. I mean I ate that thing up honey!

Now tell me why he texts the next day wondering if I cheated on him because it was way too good and I sucked it like I'm guilty and apologizing. How do you do that? Is that a thing?

I didn't cheat btw lol saving my skills for marriage I guess.