A New Record for Me!


I’ll keep it short and sweet! ...not really lol

Went to the hospital at 6am on 8/21 to be induced right at 40 weeks just because my OB offered and I said absolutely lol...

Right when I got there, 3 other ladies in active labor were admitted back to back and the L&D was understaffed so they held off on my induction until at least two delivered. No worries, I said, I was already contracting on my own for some reason!

Fast forward to 12pm, they started me on Pitocin since I was already 1cm dilated. Felt the contractions just about instantly - they started out about 4 mins apart then got sporadic. At around 6pm the nurse checked me to see what my progress was - she said I was a 5! The doctor came in to break my water and he checked as well - only to tell me the nurse was wrong and I was more like 2-3cm 😞

Pitocin got increased after my water broke and the contractions got more painful - I was up to an 8 on Pitocin (8 drops per hour). For two more hours contractions were extremely painful so I asked for Fentanyl to help take the edge off. After 10 minutes of pseudo-bliss, I felt the contractions again, but this time with a vengeance. I could also start feeling them down around my butt. I told my nurse and she asked me if it was pressure and I said “Kind of?” She had the charge nurse come in and check me and I was at a 5! They called my doc and while they were calling I got an intense contraction that I knew was THE ONE (Good ol pooping feeling) I yelled that the baby was coming - the nurse reached down and she could feel baby’s head! Two more contractions, with two more nurses in the room and my body had effectively pushed baby out on it’s own - I didn’t even need to push!

I went from 5cm to her being born 8 minutes later according to the nurse. So when they say anything can happen in terms of dilation - boy do they mean it!

She’s 4 days old now and a sweet little angel. Our beautiful little Tennessee Anelle 😊💖