Tell me what to do... please

I had to have a section at 37 weeks because of high blood pressure.

One of my twins was also breech. These are my firsts.

My husband, who already has two daughters, got drunk the night before I had to go in for surgery. He invited his mother to come spend the night as well.

I literally cried because not only did I already tell him how scared I was to have a section but he ruined the last night before I became a mother. He took all the joy away from that moment.

We had talked about limiting visitors until I was ready, and his mother was there EVERY AINGLE DAY ALL FUCKING DAY. Again, I feel like he took away the time I had to bond with my girls and him as a family.

Then he yelled and me and made me cry right before we left the hospital with the twins, thus ruining the trip home too.

He wanted his mother to carry one of the girls out........ THAT IS MY CHILD. WHY SHOULD SHE EVEN GET TO CARRY ONE OUT?!?!?!?

Then on day 7, he told me that he wanted a divorce after I told him everything above and expressed how my ftm experience feels ruined because I didn’t get anything I wanted.

I’m so sad right now because I feel like I’m experiencing ppd and I told my Husband and he basically thinks that I choose to be sad.

Should I stay with my husband? I feel like he has ZERO respect for me because he didn’t care about making my moment special.