Keto diet and opks??

Is anyone doing the keto diet and also using opks for ttc? Have you noticed a dofference in your test results? I got this test today at cycle day 13 and i normally get my pos opk cycle day 19-21 day 20 being almost clock work with a few fluctuations between the 3 days, i have never in the 3 years ive been using opks gotten a positive sooner and it is normally fairly light and i can see it gradually darken a little and then dark the day before very dark pos and dark the day after then light again. My questioning is if this is an accurate result and maybe its changed my cycle to be shorter (which i would be very happy about) or are the tests very dark bc of ketones in the urine or something and this doesnt mean i should expect my positive tomorrow? Any one who has used opks while on keto diet i would greatly appreciate some input.