

So on 8/18 I found out we were pregnant with our first! On 8/21 I had my first blood draw. My levels were at 700. On 8/23 they tested again and I was at 1100. On 8/25 I had some cramping and bleeding. I called the doc on call and he wasnt too concerned and said it was nothing to worry about since my numbers showed a viable pregnancy. The morning of 8/27, I was 99% sure I miscarried. I called the doctor right away and they sent me to get more bloodwork. I already have an appt scheduled for 8/31 for my first ultrasound. My test results came back and showed my numbers were over 2000 now. Now the doctor isnt actually sure if I miscarried or if I am still pregnant. He wants me now to wait til my appt on 8/31.

Anyone else experience bleeding, cramping, and discharge during early pregnancy? I dont even know what to think... we already came to terms with the fact we were sure I miscarried, just to be told maybe not but I have to wait 4 days to find out...