did my pregnancy test lie to me?

chloé • Caio Scott Ogilvie - 4th May 2019💙

Hi ladies, so i just need to know how far into my pregnancy i actually am..

i had a chemical pregnancy in June, then i was waiting on my July period but it never came so i took a test a month after my period was due (so i was a month late) and clear blue said 1-2weeks but i took the test in the afternoon so do you think that could have affected the results of the test? (less HCG in my system etc?)

I used a <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">due date calculator</a> and it’s saying i’m 11weeks today (due in march 2019) but what do you ladies think?

Has anyone ever took a clear blue and been further along than the test said?

I forgot to mention - i have been to the docs. i’ve got my first antenatal appointment on tuesday 4th but they’re only taking bloods and a urine sample, i won’t get an ultrasound appointment for another 2/3 weeks so i was just wondering what your ladies experiences have been like with clear blue tests cos i’m really impatient and want to know how many weeks i am so i can research/read about the correct things.