Ways you might have named baby interactive thread!


Thought I’d start this interactive thread for fun and ideas

Different ways to name ones children,some are common and some traditional then unique.

What ways did you name your child or children or plan to name your child ladies?

You can copy and paste mine if it lets you and just add check marks to which ones you did or just write or add any I missed that pertain to you, or just write them in or whatever way you want to do it!

I am including mine marked in comments below! Have fun and can’t wait to see what y’all did for naming ideas.

Ways to name kids

-all one letter

-boys one letter/girls another letter

-First son after dad (ex:George II)

-Named child after me or a combination of my name.

-Named child my first name as their middle name or my middle name as their first or middle name.

-Names your parents almost named you or names similar to yours.

-Name child a combination of dads name Or dads middle name or first name as middle name.

-If Dads Name is a unique style Name child like that style of father.

-Combing mom and dads name to make a name for baby or one similar to mom and dads combined.

-Naming child after Godparents as one or some of their names.

-Naming child after grandparents or Great Grandparents (living or deceased)

-Naming child after locations that have meaning

-Naming child after a time era you love(20’s,80’s, Medieval times,Victorian etc.)

-Name out of name book or online you just love.

-Name you just heard and love.

-Naming child after Someone or something that inspired you, or that you love.

-Matching sibling names

-All family names or one family name.

-Let siblings or close family help pick a name or names of baby.

-Naming baby a Bible name. (unique or popular)

Naming baby after Someone great and famous in history.

-Virtue Names

-Making up your own name for baby that no one has

-Using a extinct or name going extinct.

-2first Names hyphenated or not example: Joy-Anna or TiffanyGrace or Mark Anthony (say together then has a middle name too).

- putting - in first or middle name

-2 middle names

-2first and 2 middle names

-More then 2 names ex: 4 or more names total.

-No middle name

-Surname for first or middle name

-doing a letter plus name, example:

D’Marcus or any apostrophe names

-Capital letter in middle of name

Example: RayAnna or McKenna