I feel like a shitty mom😭

I put the kids to bed yes we have a routine it's cool if you don't but it's what works for us anyways.. I bathed them -my daughter and my son- changed nursed etc at 9 and my daughter is still asleep but lately my boy will wake up screaming it's now 11:30 and he's awake I nursed him but he will cry only with me I feel horrible he doesn't cry as much with his daddy my husband- I rock him bounce him etc and he will cry for like 10 minutes before he settles down I feel like I'm going insane he's almost done nursing and he will peacefully sleep in his swing I had them both in their crib yes 1 we have two but it's not put up yet... I'm very emotional right now I text my husband that his son is awake and screaming and he isn't any help he has his binky too I change him if he's wet .. blah blah I just don't understand what I'm not doing and the doctor says they're both growing fine and are completely healthy

Please please help me a desperate mama

Oh I forgot to add it feels like he constantly has to be attached to me and just like clock work my daughter is awake and now is nursing could he not be gettin' enough breastmilk but I produce enough I don't understand

They're 7 weeks almost 8 weeks new yes breastmilk is all they have maybe I'll supplement with a ounce of formula it happens at night I wouldn't say it's new but it doesn't happen often only like the past 4 or so days