My birth story **no meds**

Around 5 in the morning, I felt as though I wet the bed, called my OB at 2pm to get confirmation that my water did indeed break, contractions had not started at all at that point so we made a plan that if I did not naturally start contracting that I would come in to be induced. At 7 PM my fiancee, my mother and I, went in to be induced, they finally put pitocin in at 11PM I was dilated to 2 cm at that point. contractions started at 4 AM. The nurses the entire night and day were amazing, I was able to go into the jacuzzi/ tub for 4 hours, once the contractions started getting closer together the doctor checked and I was at a 5 cm at around 11 AM. The following hours I bounced at on a ball , walked around and asked for nitrous oxide gas to take that edge off since I was determined to not get the epidural or pain medication. At around 2:30 I was getting the urge to push and screamed for the doctor to check I was dilated to 9cm almost at 10 but there was still one side that hadn't thinned all the way. I yelled at the doctor that I could wait and I started to push, it was as if someone telling you to hold in diarrhea, it just wasn't going to happen. She ended up telling me to push and helping me with her fingers to get me to the whole 10 cm. I was panicking and at this point regretting going in with no pain medication. Then suddenly my mid wife who had been with me through my entire pregnancy comes in and said " let's get this baby out". Dont get me wrong having my mom and fiancee this entire time was amazing but having that constant healthcare provider walk in instantly calmed me down. I pushed my beautiful girl out in 29 minutes. At 2:59 PM .She came out weighing 8 pounds and .05 ounces , pooped on my leg on the way out and was 21.25 inches long . I was in labour for a total of 11 hours and got 2 tiny stitches that dissolved in 2 weeks. I honestly would do it naturally all over again.

Meet my Arya