Bedsharing with eight month old


First of all, please no shaming. I’m sick of people attacking me for bedsharing with my kiddo. I do it safe. I’m a single parent. She’s healthy as a horse.

I’ve been co sleeping in one way or another since birth. Started in cradle next to bed for a week, brought her into bed with me by week two, had a on bed bassinet for a few months, ended up just keeping her in bed with me instead.

Since her birth we have lived in three places so she never had her own space and room until two months ago (fled an abusive relationship at three weeks PP and just got re settled).

Issue is this:

She won’t stop rolling around! She used to just lay there and be fine. May wake up facing the other direction but that’s it. The last two weeks or so she will literally end up with her butt against the wall (head of the bed) and her head on my arm. She’s also rolling a lot more now side to side..I’ve put a mesh bedrail on her side of the bed now and it’s already caught her little butt many times. She ends up in such weird positions by the morning it’s starting to freak me out. Has it become unsafe now? How can I ensure she’s safe now that she is crazy mobile like this?

My kiddo is strong as all hell. She is a week shy of eight months today and had developed beautifully. Standing, crawling, cruising, sit to stand, stand to sit, lay to sit, pulling up on everything and everyone, taking steps with walker..I (and our doctors) have zero concerns about her physical state and abilities.

Side note, I am ready I think to crib train her if i can’t keep co sleeping. Last night she went from 8:30pm-4:00am straight (the longest she’s ever been in her crib). If anyone has suggestions on how to gently sleep train that would be awesome. Cry it out is too stressful (she cries during visitation with her father and I just can’t do it)