GD little weight gain but trying for a VBAC


Well ladies. I could use your opinions

I had the glucose test at 16 weeks my 1st came back high in the office but the lab test was perfect like half the office amount. Doc wanted me to do 2 more I said I would do one at 18 weeks. I have had 2 c sections and trying for a VBAC this go round. 2nd Daughter was a big baby 11 lb 10 oz. Failed homebirth emergency c section. So my doc is extra cautious. So at 28 weeks I did the test again and failed again in the office by less but still failed and the lab one failed too. Have only gained 5 lbs and yes I am already chubby. BP is good, no medical issues. I called to get rhe results and the nurse wanted me to schedule the 3 hr. I declined. All that i have read is pointing to a higher risk of failure for older moms (Im 39) and more kids. And less sleep are linked. So im I'm looking for any peeps who have refused the 3 he. Paid attention to diet and had a successful VBAC. TIA mamas!!