I’m so miserable


I haven’t been diagnosed with any form of PPD but I have suffered from depression in the past and I’m calling my doctor on Tuesday after the holiday tomorrow to try and get some help for my mood. I just didn’t know where else I could vent about this.

So I’m 32 weeks pregnant, my boyfriend and I both finished high school this year (I graduated a year early because I was eager for college) but in April I found out I was 12 weeks pregnant. Things were very bad with his family because they don’t like me and think I planned the pregnancy to trap him and etc. Things still aren’t good with them but I don’t concern myself with it as much. We both got accepted to our choice college and we’re supposed to go together but after finding out I can’t go we decided he still needed to and I would start next year at a closer college and he would transfer to the same one. I’ve been unbelievably depressed all month crying uncontrollably with horrible headaches and only being able to do the bare minimum to take care of myself for the baby’s sake because I was dreading the day so much. Yesterday he moved into residence an hour and a half away from me. I thought I would be okay with it but after seeing all the partying and people that were there I feel a million times worse and I don’t know if it’s due to stress or the fact I’m 32 weeks pregnant but my hands and feet have completely blown up from swelling. I’ve had the worst anxiety all day and when I was with my family today they were all looking at me surprised at how horrible I look. I’m pale, swollen, my eyes are puffy and red I can’t focus on anything or hold a conversation. I seriously don’t know how I’m going to be able to do this I’m praying my doctor can help me because I can’t do this if I’m going to continue to be this way. I’m a constant worry and hysterical crying and all I want to do is lay in bed alone and cry. It’s been this way for at least 6 weeks and steadily getting worse