2nd pregnancy so different-I’m scared 😟

I have a 2 year old at home and am currently within 3 weeks of having another bundle of fun. However, this pregnancy has been so different from my first that I can feel my anxiety building the nearer I get to birth...

I was diagnosed with GD at 31 weeks and am on medication once a day to help with this and I’ve recently had a growth scan at 36 weeks where baby didn’t cooperate so they couldn’t get accurate measurements. As a result they did best guess measurements but estimates baby was weighing 8lb already, this is way off the chart for what was planned for me after my previous 3 scans where baby was right on track. I’m now worried about induction (meeting consultant early next week to discuss this) but also about a possible csection...also got diagnosed with excess fluid as well...am so anxious and scared about the labour and just want baby to be ok. Anyone been through anything similar at all? Good or bad, please be honest. Thanks in advance xx