I'm thinking about a part time seperation

Sorry this is about to be long. But I have been with my fiance for 3 years now. Living together, got a baby on the way. Well I am currently in the process of getting a 2nd job because he walked away from his due to sexual harassment and some stalking. Yesterday the landlord came to the house and said she was turning off the electricity because she used the money we paid for something else aka drugs. Drugs has been a big problem at this house. I found it growing out side, pills, and some powder. Well we started fighting because I do get paid until the 14th so I really have no way to save the bill even if I wanted to. He blames for everything, I'm apparently the reason that I got pregnant, the reason that everything is going wrong and so on. I called and cried and just let it all out on my mom. She took in it her own hands and told my brother. My brother has offered to come get me and let me come stay with him until i have saved enough money to get my own place or until I wanted to leave. Yesterday everything came out into the open when we was fighting. He doesn't believe there is a baby even tho I have ultra sound pictures, ob has confirmed it and I got all the test for him. I don't think he realized what he said or the way he acted. He doesn't realize that if the drugs are here we can lose the baby, I can't go without electricity while pregnant espically while it's still in triple digits. Someone give me any advice on separation and working out problems or does it never return to normal