Gall stones in pregnancy?


This morning around 3:30 I woke up because my husband was moving around and I'm such a light sleeper I can hear a fly fart at night. I was fine, decided to readjust, so I rolled over and this sudden ping of pain just hit me like a brick wall. I was suddenly drenched in sweat, my upper abdonmen was swollen and hot to the touch, and this terrible pain was radiating across my diaphragm and just under my breasts, all the way around to my back. I laud there for a minute thinking maybe it was gas and it would go away, but the pain just got worse. I shot up and starting pacing, couldn't breathe, and my husband is sure I'm having a panic attack because I've had them before and they also result in me hyperventilating, as I was doing to try to catch my breath. I drank some water thinking maybe that would help, it didn't. Then I was running to the bathroom to vomit, couldn't even get the toilet lid up fast enough. So that's when I was sure something was wrong. I called my mother in law to take me to the hospital because someone needed to stay with our 2 1/2 year old. Anyways, she finally got here and took me, it was the most agonizing drive of my life, legit the pain was worse than labor. When we got there the first thing they did was check on the baby, he was fine, heart rate was normal and he was kicking away (I'm 27 weeks). They run a bunch of tests, order ultrasound and a few hours later they come back to tell me that I have gall stones, but there is no infection so they won't be removing it. She then proceeds to tell me that if i develop an infection i would have to go to a hospital that has a nicu able to accommodate my baby in case he has to be born, and the closest is 1 1/2 hours away. So they sent me home, the hardest part of the attack was over, still just feeling some general discomfort but nothing I can't handle. But I'm concerned. Does anyone have experience with gall stones during pregnancy? Was your gall bladder removed, and at what point did they decide it was necessary? Was your baby affected by it at all? I'm on a low fat diet until I see my OB for follow up next week, but I'd like to know what real life experiences look like. Thank you!