Life of 16 year old


Had a abortion at 16 , clueless ! Scared of what everybody may think about me , my boyfriend told me I was pregnant before I even knew . One morning I meet him at the gate at schoo he told me he been feeling sick and I should go to the dr . Went to the dr I was 3 weeks and few days . I’m 19

Now any still lost ! I think about it all the time it crushed me as a person inside , I still haven’t told my moma maybe I’ll never . I still hurt inside about it . If I daydream to long I think about it . That was a mistake that I regret because now I can’t move on. I literally cry every night alone , saying what could I have done differently. That one mistake fucked my life up , my feelings are everywhere . They boy I got pregnant by we still keep in contact he does like to talk about , I always thought maybe he didn’t care then I thought what if he feel the same way I do . I just know from that day on , my life hasn’t been completely great