Who’s fault is it? (Read description) please read!!

Okay so this morning my oldest sister has a dog who is 15 and sick named karma. My dog is 9 months old and named impala. Every morning for the last few months id feed one dog then the other. Now i fed my sisters dog karma then my dog impala. Karma is food aggressive and my dog isnt like i could put my face next to her bowl while she eats. Both dogs will try to eat eachothers food so I usually sit and babysit. Now its impalas turn to eat and karma got up and walked over to stare at my dog and impala usually walks away and lets karma eat. Now karma was in her face and my mom hit karma on the but and instead of walking away she went crazy. She started to attack impala and i seen it took my dog a few seconds longer to realize karma wasn’t playing and tried to fight back. My dog was the first one to be separated and karma refused to let go of my dog. After finally separating them i was blamed for everything by my bitch ass nasty older sister. Like shes a joke. But she starts screaming at me blaming me. Saying you can’t let dogs eat in the same place ( i put impalas bowl where karmas is but i do this every morning she doesnt even feed her own dog half the time) she even threw shit at me including a damn pineapple meanwhile tomorrow im 27 weeks pregnant and she said before she hopes my daughter is born with no eyes and no arms. I didn’t even retaliate i was just so furious and plus i have a refrain from cause shes lied before and got me arrested so she has total control. Im allowed at my mothers but she swears im not and kept saying im not supposed to be here and shes gunna call police. I sat in my room got dressed and cleaned up my dog and left for awhile so she could leave.

Okay so alittle important background: her dog karma had puppies and they kept one and named her trouble. They were fine for years and karma and her ate out the same bowl their whole life and had no problem but one day ( not even food related) karma went crazy and attacked trouble and she went to break them up and karma bit her and broke almost all the bones in her hand. Karma was supposed to be put down but she never did which is a problem because it was ordered not just told to put her down. She rehomed trouble that only defended herself and my sister after she got bit but kept this crazy monster. Karma is so old she’s even growled at me like she was gunna bite me.

Someone tell me who’s fault is it??

Btw impala is okay she is missing a nice piece of flesh but it’s been cleaned and being monitored and karma just had a whole bunch of cuts. My baby is a baby and isnt a fighter and only did what she had to do to defend herself.

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