Calling on all breastfeeding mommies!

Zhenia • 💖👶🏻 🍼 Elena Isabella Castillo Flores 12/17/16 & Aleena Lillyveth Castillo Flores 11/15/17💖👶🏻🍼

Has any mommies stop breastfeeding their LO. I’m trying to stop breastfeeding my daughter because she so attached to me. Doesn’t go to anyone else but me. Not daddy, grandparents, or auntie. And I feel I don’t show enough attention to my oldest daughter (20months). But she always want to feed. She eats a lot of solid food. Try to minimize her feed time. I try giving her formula slowly but she doesn’t like it very much. I started pumping again but still no. I think maybe it’s the bottles. She takes her slippy cups well. If any mommies stop breastfeeding and have any tips on how they wean their LO off the breast. I’ll appreciate it very much.