Friends and Pregnancy


Looking to see if there are others out there going thru this or who have gone thru this...

I am the first to get pregnant among my close friend group. My friends are happy for me and everything but completely uninterested in hearing anything about baby or pregnancy. I don’t want to shove this talk down their throats and bore them, or potentially bother them if they are TTC and having difficulty (I know one of my friends has had a MC-just as we did our first-and I don’t talk with her about the pregnancy because I feel it would be hurtful of me).

My question is—if this happened to you did your friends eventually come around and want to talk baby with you only when they got pregnant themselves?

Also—did you branch off and try to make more friendships with women who had babies?

I want someone to share in this pregnancy excitement with besides just my spouse but I don’t want to be annoying to my friends!!