Postpartum depression please help/read

I’m so afraid to tell the dr that I do have bad thoughts of hurting myself or possibly the baby. They told me I’d have to go to the emergency room if I did. I can’t risk getting my baby taken from me I really do love him when I was pregnant I was beyond happy and couldn’t wait but as soon as we came home from the hospital I thought of my baby as so fragile I could not sleep at night becaude I was afraid of sids, I wouldn’t carry him over the hardwood floor in fear of dropping him on the floor, I’d wash his bottles three times in a row just to make sure they’re clean. I told the doctor about my aniexity she prescribed zoloft I felt better no aniexity great happy better than I ever have in life once it kicked in then out of nowhere I started getting irritated with my fiancé yelling at him over diapers the smallest things, one night we had a huge fight and he broke up with me but luckily we fixed it and then the next day my mom and me were talking I told her to come down n how I miss her then when she got here I told her to get the fuck out of my house. This is so out of person for me but I stopped taking the Zoloft because of this and now my dperession is worse I have intrusive thoughts constantly

I think what if I accidently lose it because of the stress aniexity and depression and hurt my son ? I called my doctor and they asked me if I had these thoughts I wanted to tell them yes but I cant lose my son or go to the emergency room I don’t want my fiancé to think of me as less of a mother. All I asked wasthem to change the fucking medicine because Zoloft wasn’t working for me. Someone help has anyone gone through this did it get better? Should I start the Zoloft again ?? I’ve been crying all morning because of this I just don’t know what to do I want someone to care and help