Is he breaking up with me?

I met my boyfriend on a dating site but we are miles apart, he is from South Africa and I’m from Philippines. Today, he messaged me this:

Last month, he asked me if I am meeting someone and just tell him if I already did. Those are the times that we chat rarely because we’re both busy. Then he, reason out that I’m drifting apart from him because we don’t chat that much.

I don’t know if he’s giving me a hint to break up with him due to our situation since we are thousand miles apart. Also, I feel that he is not interested to see me in person because of those things he says. Sorry, if this sounds so stupid but I don’t know who I could talk at this moment. For those months that we’re in a relationship, I make an effort to show to him that I’m serious. I already introduced him to my parents and relatives via video chat and yet he’ll just ready to let me go like that. Though it is hard, I’m trying to understand but this really breaks my heart that I’m fooling myself and believing and hoping that one day we’re going to meet for real.

So what should I do? Does he really want to break up with me? If yes, then do I have to wait for him to say that we should break up? Or should I say it first even though it crushes my heart since I really feel that this relationship is hopeless?

Thank you for your kind advice.