My MIL is killing me 🙄🙄🙄

I’ve been with my bf for quite a while now (4 years) and everything was so chill at first. Around 2-3 years of being with him, I started to notice little things that his mom would say about others & to me behind my back. I wasn’t okay with a lot of it but I always felt like I couldn’t speak up about it. Earlier this year things got so bad to the point where my bf told me I should confront her. I hate confronting people but I did it anyways bc I care about my bf. Let’s just say during our convo & many times after, she has called me depressed, moody, & sad. I have a resting bitch face almost all the time & I was also going through A LOT with my grandpa being on life support & college.

Anyways, my bf plays college football & had a game last week. I took my sister with me because it was a 2 hour drive. We ended up being 20 mins late to the game & when I was looking at the bleachers I didn’t see his family there. I decided to not look for them throughout the whole bleachers & just sit with my sister. I ended up seeing his parents walk to the car at halftime. When they were going back to their seats I knew they saw me from a distance & I was ready to wave, but they kept walking right past. I didn’t feel the need to go sit with them, as they were smack dab in the middle & I do not like crowds. After the game, we went down by the fence by the field. The gate to the field than opened & I told my sister to follow me. We started walking & I turned around to my left to see if she was following. When I did that, my bf’s mom literally bumped into my arm & I said “Oh hi!” & her & her husband kept walking right past with their heads slightly down. My bf’s brothers were right behind his parents & they saw me but didn’t say anything. I was so heated & hurt I decided to stay back where the gate was & not go on the field with them. As they get on the field, his mom literally looks back at me. I guess they literally pushed me away to get to my bf first ? Well they achieved that & I stood back as my bf was talking to them. As his family was leaving, his dad looks at me & goes “Oh there she is!! There she is!!”. ? Like really?

All in all I was upset. My bf talked to them the next day & his mom yelled in his face saying it wasn’t true. I was at work at the time & 4 hours later after he talked to her I get a long text from her saying how I’m wrong & she’s right. How I’m sad, moody, depressed. She told me how I don’t know her she she’s going to introduce me to her...even though she just talked about how she studies human behavior ? I never replied as I found it to me extremely rude. But my bf insisted that they really didn’t see me. Even my sister (who knows absolutely nothing about the beef with his mom) asked me TWICE at the game why they were ignoring me.

Last night I came to a realization. His mom was apparently on her period at the time. She most likely did ignore me with the help of her husband, as she literally does bat shit crazy stuff while she’s on it. When my bf talked to his parents about it, his dad said don’t piss off your mom as she’s on it. I now know that she did do all of that on purpose & her dad just told my bf that we just didn’t see her so that it didn’t get this far. He’s the calm one & will still lie, but he doesn’t like drama. I never believed that they simply just didn’t see me, but this has definitely opened my eyes as to how toxic she is.

Idk what to think or what to do. I can’t call them out on it as I feel so uncomfortable doing that. It’s just not right what she’s been doing to me, yet she says she doesn’t like drama & that I’m the toxic one. He has another game tonight but I’m going with myself. I have to sit with them or else all hell will break loose. Idk what to do as they’ve been ignoring me all week & I just don’t feel comfortable sitting there with such toxic people.