

Today, I am 39 weeks. Last night, we went to the hospital because my contractions had gotten to where they were 2-3 min apart for a while. I thought for sure this was it, but I was only dilated 2.5 cm. They monitored me, and checked me every hour for 2 hours, and although the contractions were getting stronger and more painful, I never dilated anymore than 2.5.

I'm a FTM, so I feel kind of dumb coming into the hospital twice this week and being sent home, but contractions at 2-3 min apart when we live an hour away from the closest hospital freaks me out.

Any advice on what to do now? I am supposed to talk to my doctor Thursday about being induced. Will I even make it that long? And now, I'm really unsure when to go back to the hospital because I was told to come when contractions were 5-1-1, but I waited until they were even closer to be sure before we drove, and it still wasn't enough.