Too harsh?

Emili • March 20 2019👶🏻💕🐘

Okay so I have an extremely pushy and intrusive MIL. I was thinking about sending this is a group text to her, my mom, my aunt and grandma that I’m very close with. I just want there to be boundaries earlier rather than later. This is directed towards her, I was just going to send it in a group text so she doesn’t feel “targeted” because she would honestly throw a fit. My family knows I’ve been struggling with her lately so they would understand. My husbands name is Bradley if you couldn’t tell. But I was just wondering if I’m too too harsh to unfair? I have had it with her butting in and walking all over us and this is the only thing I can think of at this point other than just snapping and basically yelling at her. I’m planning on sticking to this and will be harsh and rude if someone comes and knocks on our door without notice, I will turn them away no matter who they are. Should I add anything/take anything out? I’m truly not wanting gifts because we simply do not have room and I’m picky and want to choose all my own things just a little fyi☺️