Preterm labor with twins at 26w3 for the 3rd time

But this time I'm on hospital bed rest until I give birth. Let's start from the beginning I came in at 24w1d for contractions turns out I dilated 1 CM so they started magnisum and shots for babies lungs after 3 days I was able to go home. A week later I had a doctors appointment and he checked to see if I dilated more and I did I was 2cm at this point he sent me back to the hospital and told me I had to stay a few weeks to a month but my son was starting school labor day was coming up so I told him I would comply with my bedrest at home which I did , but out of no where this past Saturday I started getting contractions every 2 mins lasting 40 secs so I came in to the hospital and lord beholds I'm 3cm they started magnisum again with the shots to help babies lungs since its been 2 weeks since I got them and we'll today my doctor takes me off the magnisum and I asked if I can go home tuesday he says you are home your not leaving until you Deliever ladies I'm super scared and IDK what to do or how long I got till my baby boys arrive anybody in my situation or ever been that can ease my mind?