Pumping frustrations


My LO is 4 1/2 months old and has been successfully exclusively breast fed. I’ve been pumping since she was about 1 1/2 month old due to the knowledge of having to go back to work. Things were going great at first. I was able to build up a pretty good stash for my freezer but now over the last week or so.... I’ve been unable to pump successfully. I can’t even get an ounce out of both sides! I know it’s not a matter of supply because my daughter is still doing great! She is still gaining weight and seems full after her feedings, I actually seem to be making more milk than she is needing. I’m currently able to take her to work with me so we are still breastfeeding throughout the day but by the end of the day, I start feeling engorged. I try to pump to relieve the pressure and it’s like nothing wants to come out. It’s so frustrating and leads to a lot of pain. Has anyone dealt with this before? Could it be my pump?

P.s I have a Medela pump in style advanced and just replaced the face plate on it.

Picture of my cutie just because :)