Idk at this point

Ok guys please don’t judge. I’m a sophomore in high school and I’ve been dating this guy for almost 7 months. Btw he’s a junior. Well he’s depressed and sometimes idk how to help him. I’ve been trying and I feel like it works for a little bit but then it gets worse. And I feel like I can’t be sad around him because anytime I am he says he feels useless. Well that’s how I feel when he’s depressed. He’s a very affectionate and sensitive guy but I’m not very affectionate person. He sometimes gets offended when I don’t hug him or want to hold his hand. Like I’m sorry but I’m not in the mood to and he’s like fine. Or sometimes he gripes at me and I just say ok because I don’t feel like arguing with him because I get mad really easily and will feel bad if I yell at him. And he asks me why I always accept what he says and I say because I don’t want to argue and then he says it makes him feel bad when I accept. Well maybe you shouldn’t have said it in the first place. I don’t want you guys to say “you should break up with him” or “that’s a toxic relationship”. Like Ik it seems that way but I swear he’s a genuinely a nice person. He always says sorry after getting mad or when he’s sad. And if it was toxic I would’ve left by now. I guess what I’m trying to say is how do I help him through this? And how do I tell him that I don’t like it when he does certain things but in a nice way? I’m so sorry for this guys. Thank you