My best friend 💛

Payton • Sept 25th, 2019; BKE 👪 102616 💏

Hi ladies, I’m new to this group and I just wanted to show my amazing boyfriend off. <3 we’ve been together for 2 years, its almost as if God himself lead me to him. I was in a very abusive relationship, where I was forced into doing sexual things, cheated on, degraded for me self harming (which I am 5 months clean!! Yay me) and my anorexia (3 years clean!!) anyways, I can’t thank anyone but God for leading me to my soul mate. We’ve been living together for a year now, we’ve unfortunately had two angel babies lost. 1- april 3rd, 2017 (unknown gender) and 2- December 1st, 2017 (with my daughter). As sad as both of those were, I can say we might be pregnant again. MIGHT (big hope), and can only pray for a successful pregnancy. He reminds me how beautiful I am, how amazing I am, and constantly keeps a smile on my face. He has shown me I am WORTHY of love!

I see a lot of ladies on here struggling with relationship advice and I can only pray, God leads you to someone amazing as well.

Drop some photos of you and your S/O & say how long you’ve been together 💛 I need a smile for my night :) God bless u all. I’m