I had no idea


On September 4th my little girl Lilliy came into the world by a scheduled c section. Everything we great and she is healthy. Recovery has been SO hard but thought everything was going normal. The swelling in body started happening in the hospital but I had it with my last c section and it is pretty common. On september 7th I came home and the swelling just kept getting worse, I woke up the next morning with fluid in my lungs and I started worrying. So first thing Monday morning I made and appt with the doctor. And I had felt a knot like ball by my belly button (probably just from swelling) so I get to the doctors on Wednesday and my blood pressure is 172/98!!!!! I usually have really low blood pressure so this is crazy! And unexpected, and my swelling is worse and I had been started to get headaches and blurred vision. So doctor rushed in blood work. Come to find out there is postpartum preeclampsia, I had no idea. Luckily my levels seemed to be on the downhill side of things so doctor believes it’s going away on its own and thank goodness I don’t have to be re admitted. But ladies listen to your bodies even after you have the baby. I didn’t now this was a thing and it makes total sense as to why I have felt horrible. Wishing all the best to the September babies and the mamas 💕