Induction? Nervous


I’m 40+1 now. Last week baby measured at 8.14 already. Today I went in for bio physical exam and baby was doing great. They didn’t tell me her size because it can be wrong at this point. However I got so nauseas laying on my back during he ultrasound. The doctor stripped my membranes.. it was horrible. A hour or so later I had brown spotting on a pad. I don’t have it anymore. I just have the same cramping and I’m so uncomfortable!!!

They scheduled my induction on 41 weeks starting with placing a gel to ripen my cervix and then Pitocin in the morning. I’m nervous that it’s taking longer than 40 weeks for her to want to come out. I’m nervous she’ll be too big or something.

Any words of encouragement would be great. Do you think the membrane stripping would’ve worked by now?