Feeling really lonely lately

Lately I’ve just been feeling really lonely. My fiancé and I are in a long distance relationship, but I’ll be moving to where he is soon enough. But in the moment I feel lonely. I’ve never been happy with where I’m living. So many bad things and so many bad memories have plagued me, and sometimes I think about them quite often. Especially since I don’t have many friends, and a while ago I had a terrible falling out and things just got bad. I mean, I have a bible study group that I go to but and they always want to hang out, but I’m very closed off from everyone because I’ve had so many bad people in my life it’s hard for me to have full on conversations and for me to be vulnerable. Even though I go to bible study, they talk to me a little bit and I feel like the odd one out. They make plans with each other but they never include me. I don’t blame them or anything just closed off and it’s hard for me to make an attempt to connect. I’ve been involved with so many bad people and awful things have happened to me. I’m not good at making friends, and because of the bad things that have happened I’m very closed off and I have a hard time opening up to other people. I think I just really miss my fiancé a little extra today. I know I was rambling a lot but I just need some females to vent to