I feel so guilty

Okay guys so I have a 2 year old daughter. When I got pregnant with her it was a complete shock. I wasn’t trying. I was on birth control. Me and my boyfriend were definitely not in the place to have a baby. We were young (19 and 21) and all we did was party. Obviously we changed our ways and turned our entire life around. We both make good money and I’m in school to further my career. We’re now 24 and 25 and engaged. We decided we wanted to TTC #2. I got off birth control and we stared trying that week. We ended up getting pregnant our 3rd cycle and baby #2 is due in May. We’re over the moon happy and can’t wait to expand our family.

Now the only downfall...my sister and her husband are in their 30s. They’ve been trying to have a baby for awhile. When I was pregnant with my first my sister used to talk to me about how much she wants to be a mom and would cry. I felt horrible. I still do. My heart breaks for her. I told her tonight I’m pregnant. I could hear it in her voice that she’s upset. She told me she’s happy for me and she’s excited. But I know it hurts. I hate knowing she’s in pain. I just feel so incredibly guilty to be so happy.